Santo Domingo

February 5 – SANTO DOMINGO

Very early, a gua-gua takes me for 60 DOP to Santa Barbara. From here, I go to the bus terminal and I buy one Caribe Tours ticket to Santo Domingo for 250 DOP. While waiting, I buy some empanadas at the terminal cafeteria. I arrive in the capital in the early afternoon; I take a taxi, to go around the city, and finally at the airport, at a cost of 1100 DOP: therefore I visit the old city, walking a bit in the streets, I stop at the home of Diego Colon, son of Christopher, do some shopping at the indoor Model Market, where there is really a lot of stuff. Needless to buy rum, because then it is seized at the airport security control line. Let’s say there is some nice colonial style building, but nothing compared to the Mexican town, like Puebla or Taxco, for example …

My flight leaves on time at 21.55

santo domingo








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